Circular Component Pattern PropertyManager

You can use the Circular Pattern PropertyManager to pattern components.

To open this PropertyManager:

Click Linear Component Pattern > Circular Component Pattern (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Component Pattern > Circular Pattern.

Some fields that accept numeric input allow you to create an equation by entering = (equal sign) and selecting global variables, functions, and file properties from a list.

Direction 1

  Pattern Axis Select an entity in the graphics area:
  • Circular edge or sketch line
  • Linear edge or sketch line
  • Cylindrical face or surface
  • Revolved face or surface
The pattern is created around this axis. Click Reverse Direction to change the direction of the circular pattern.
Angle Specifies the angle between each instance.
Number of Instances Specifies the number of instances of the seed feature.
  Equal spacing Sets Angle to 360°.

Direction 2

  Direction 2 Enables Direction 2 options.
  Symmetric Creates a symmetrical pattern from the seed feature.
  Equal spacing Sets Angle to 360°.
Angle Specifies the angle between each instance.
Number of Instances Specifies the number of instances of the seed feature.

Components to Pattern

Components to Pattern Specifies the seed components.

Instances to Override

Skipped instances Specifies the skipped instances.

To skip an instance, click in Skipped instances . In the graphics area, pink selection orbs display on the pattern instances. The pointer changes to when you hover over each pattern instance and the coordinates of the pattern instance appear. Click a selection orb and click Skip Instance.

To restore a skipped instance, click the selection orb and click Unskip instance.

Select This Configuration , All Configurations , or Specify Configurations to apply the skipped instances to the selected configurations.

Modified instances Specifies the modified instances.

To modify an instance, click in Modified instances . In the graphics area, pink selection orbs display on the pattern instances. For modified instances, the selection orb is green. Click a selection orb and click Modify Instance.

In the callout, modify the values for these options:

Angle from seed

Specifies the angle from the seed to the selected instance. Use only positive values.

Offset from nominal

Specifies the relative value to the nominal position of the selected instance.

The nominal position of the instance is the location of the instance before the modification. You can specify positive and negative values. For negative values, the absolute distance to the seed must be positive.


Synchronize movement of flexible subassembly components Moves components in the patterned instances when you move components in the seed flexible subassembly, and vice versa.

This option is useful when you pattern flexible subassemblies.

Synchronize configuration of patterned components to seed Blocks changes to the configuration of patterned instances for all configurations.

Selecting this option may change some patterned component instances to match the configuration of the seed component.