Adding and Modifying Parameters
In the Modify Configurations and the Configuration Table dialog boxes, you can add, delete, and unconfigure parameters and edit parameter values.
To configure additional parameters from the same feature, click
in the feature's column header,
select parameters from the list, and click in a blank area of the dialog
- Linked dimensions are grouped in a column labeled Linked Dimension instead of appearing in columns for individual features. Each linked dimension appears in the list only once, even if it is used in several features.
- In the Modify Configurations dialog box, you can add a column for every configured parameter in the model at once by clicking All Parameters at the bottom of the dialog box.
To delete a parameter from the table, right-click its column
header and click Delete.
The column disappears from the table. The parameter's values remain unchanged.
To unconfigure a parameter, right-click the column heading and
click Unconfigure.
The active configuration's value for the parameter is applied to all configurations, and the column disappears from the table.
In the Configuration Table
dialog box, to prevent edits to the parameter, right-click the column heading
and click Block model edits.
When you block edits, the column displays in a different color.
- To edit parameter values, click in a cell and: