Pattern Deletion
Deleting Pattern Instances
To delete pattern instances:
Restoring Deleted Pattern Instances
To restore deleted pattern instances:
- Right-click the pattern feature, and select Edit Feature.
- Select the coordinates of the deleted instance in the Instances to Skip box, and press Delete to restore that instance.
- Click .
Deleting Table Driven Pattern Instances
To delete a table driven pattern instance:
- Right-click the pattern in the FeatureManager design tree and select Edit Feature.
- In the Table Driven Pattern dialog box, click the number of the pattern you want to delete to highlight the X-Y coordinates.
- Press Delete.
- Click OK.
Deleting Sketch Driven Pattern Instances
To delete a sketch driven pattern instance:
- Right click the sketch used by the sketch-driven pattern in the FeatureManager design tree, and select Edit Sketch.
- Select the sketch points you want to delete and press Delete.
- Click Rebuild to close the sketch and update the pattern.
Deleting Features from Multi-Feature Patterns
To delete a feature from a multi-feature pattern:
- In the FeatureManager design tree, select a feature to delete.
- Press Delete.
- In the Confirm Delete dialog box, select Delete absorbed features, if available.
- Click Yes to delete the feature from the pattern.