Pattern Deletion

Deleting Pattern Instances

To delete pattern instances:

  1. Select a face of the pattern instance that you want to delete.
    Edges cannot be selected because they are shared by more than one feature.
  2. Press Delete.
  3. In the Pattern Deletion dialog box, select an option:
    Option Description
    Delete Pattern Instances Deletes the selected instances. The instance locations display in Instances Deleted.
    Delete Pattern Feature Deletes the pattern. The initial feature is not deleted.
  4. Click OK to delete.

Restoring Deleted Pattern Instances

To restore deleted pattern instances:

  1. Right-click the pattern feature, and select Edit Feature.
  2. Select the coordinates of the deleted instance in the Instances to Skip box, and press Delete to restore that instance.
  3. Click .

Deleting Table Driven Pattern Instances

To delete a table driven pattern instance:

  1. Right-click the pattern in the FeatureManager design tree and select Edit Feature.
  2. In the Table Driven Pattern dialog box, click the number of the pattern you want to delete to highlight the X-Y coordinates.
  3. Press Delete.
  4. Click OK.

Deleting Sketch Driven Pattern Instances

To delete a sketch driven pattern instance:

  1. Right click the sketch used by the sketch-driven pattern in the FeatureManager design tree, and select Edit Sketch.
  2. Select the sketch points you want to delete and press Delete.
  3. Click Rebuild to close the sketch and update the pattern.

Deleting Features from Multi-Feature Patterns

To delete a feature from a multi-feature pattern:

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, select a feature to delete.
  2. Press Delete.
  3. In the Confirm Delete dialog box, select Delete absorbed features, if available.
  4. Click Yes to delete the feature from the pattern.