- Geometry Pattern
A geometry pattern copies, but does not solve, the patterned feature. End conditions and calculations are ignored. Each instance is an exact copy of the faces and edges of the original feature.
- Seed Feature
The original feature for any type of pattern (linear, circular, sketch driven and so on) or mirrored pattern, is called the seed feature. You can edit this feature.
- System Options for Patterns
- Selecting Instances to Skip
You can use box and lasso selection to add or remove instances to skip in patterns.
- Vary Sketch
Select the Vary Sketch option to let the pattern instances change dimensions as they repeat.
- No Limit on Number of Instances
There is no upper limit on the number of instances for some patterns.
- Varying Dimension Patterns
The Instance to Vary option in the Linear and Circular Pattern PropertyManagers allows you to vary the dimensions and locations of instances in a feature pattern.
- Pattern Deletion
- Patterns of Patterns
With multibody parts, you can create a pattern that includes some or all of the multibody parts that you used to create the original multibody part pattern. You can use any of the patterns such as linear, circular, sketch driven, and so on.
- Centroid
If you select centroid as the reference point for a table-driven or sketch-driven pattern, the system determines the centroid based on the type of seed feature.