Tolerance Dialog Box

Specify the following properties when you create a geometric tolerance symbol.

To specify geometric tolerance properties, do one of the following:

  • For parts, click Geometric Tolerance (MBD Dimension toolbar) or Tools > MBD Dimension > Geometric Tolerance.
  • For drawings, click Geometric Tolerance (Annotation toolbar) or Insert > Annotations > Geometric Tolerance.


Specifies the geometric tolerance symbol.

Straightness Flatness Circularity Cylindricity Profile of Line
Profile of Surface Parallel Perpendicular Angularity Circular Runout
Total Runout Position Concentricity Symmetry

Composite Above/Composite Below

Combines the symbols of two frames.

Make Independent

Creates independent frames out of composite frames.

Additional Properties

After you click in the graphics area to place the initial symbol, you can further define the geometric tolerance symbol with the following items. If the symbol has any errors in it, the dialog box indicates possible causes for the error.
  • Range
  • Offset Zone
  • Feature
  • Characteristics
  • Material Condition
  • Symbol
  • Add Datum. Inserts datum specifications and symbols.