Improving a Deformation Using Connectors

You may need to add and manipulate connector lines when using the Curve to curve deform. Additional connectors allow you to improve the quality of results. You can better match bodies that have an unequal number of edges or sharp edges (discontinuities).

The next example demonstrates changing, adding, and aligning connectors to improve the deform.

To improve a deform using connectors:

  1. Click Deform TOOL_DEFORM_FEATURES.GIF on the Features toolbar, or click Insert > Features > Deform.
  2. In the PropertyManager, under Deform Type, select Curve to curve.
  3. Under Deform Curves, select the edges on one body in the graphics area for Initial curves PM_deform_initial_curve.gif. Then click in Target curves PM_deform_target_curve.gif and select the edges of the surface in the graphics area.
  4. Right-click anywhere in the graphics area and select Show Connection Lines.
    The connection lines show the general parameters (connection) between the initial and target edges. The alignment of the connection lines in this case can be changed to improve the results.
  5. To change the alignment of the connection lines, right-click and select Add Connector.
    A new connection line with blue handles appears.
  6. On the initial and target edges, drag the connection line handles to new positions.
    This results in a new alignment of the connection lines between the bodies and can improve the deform.
    align connectors 3.gif
  7. Add connectors as needed to improve the deform between the bodies.
    In general, the best results are achieved when the connector lines are perpendicular to the initial and target curves or edges.
  8. Click PM_OK.gif.
    If you encounter problems such as the error message Could not replace geometries, under Shape Options, move the Shape accuracy slider. Other solutions include adding additional connectors and re-aligning existing connectors.
    The resulting model was created with the revised connection lines and with Surface tangent selected.