Creating Swept Cuts as Assembly Features

You can create profile swept cut features in assemblies.

You cannot create solid swept cut features in assemblies.
When creating a Swept Cut as an assembly feature:
  • For Profile , the sketch you select must be in the top level of the assembly. You can select faces, edges, and curves directly from models as sweep profiles.
  • For Path and Guide Curves , you can select the following:
    • Sketches or curves in the top level of the assembly.
    • Edges of components at any level of the assembly.

To create an assembly feature swept cut:

  1. Create a profile sketch in the top level of the assembly.
  2. Optional: For the path and guide curves, create sketches or curves in the top level of the assembly. Alternatively, you can use the edges of components at any level of the assembly.
  3. Click Assembly Features (Assembly tab on the CommandManager) and click Swept Cut , or click Insert > Assembly Feature > Cut > Sweep.
  4. Set options in the Swept Cut PropertyManager. Under Feature Scope, specify which components you want the feature to affect.
    Assembly features cannot be propagated to Toolbox parts.