Lightweight Components
You can load an assembly with its active components fully resolved or lightweight. Both parts and subassemblies can be lightweight.
- When a component is fully resolved, all its model data is loaded in memory.
- When a component is lightweight, only a subset of its model data is loaded in memory. The remaining model data is loaded on an as-needed basis.
You can improve performance of large assemblies significantly by using lightweight components. Loading an assembly with lightweight components is faster than loading the same assembly with fully resolved components. Assemblies with lightweight components rebuild faster because less data is evaluated.
When a component is lightweight and out-of-date inside a folder, the folder appears as in the FeatureManager design tree.
Manually Opening Assemblies in Lightweight Mode
If assemblies open fully resolved by default, you can manually select lightweight mode when opening an assembly.
To manually open an assembly with lightweight components:
Automatically Opening Assemblies in Lightweight Mode
You can set a system option to open assemblies in lightweight mode by default.
To enable automatic lightweight loading of components:
- Click Options (Standard toolbar) or .
- On the System Options tab, select Performance.
- Under Assembly loading, select Manually manage resolved and lightweight modes and Load component lightweight.
Setting Resolved Components to Lightweight
In an open assembly, you can set resolved components to lightweight.
To set one or more resolved components to lightweight:
- For a single component, right-click the component and select Set to Lightweight.
- For an entire assembly, right-click the top-level assembly icon and select Set Resolved to Lightweight.
- For a subassembly and its components, right-click the subassembly icon and select Set Resolved to Lightweight.
Loading Additional Model Data
When an operation requires model data that is not loaded for a lightweight component, the software fully resolves the part for you, to gain access to the additional data.
- Right-click a part or feature, and select Edit Part, Edit Sketch, or Edit Feature. The part becomes fully resolved, and you are in Editing Part mode.
- You can choose to automatically resolve any lightweight components that are out-of-date. Click Manually manage resolved and lightweight modes. For Check out-of-date lightweight parts, select Always resolve. If you select Indicate from the list then components that are out-of-date have a red feather on their icon in the FeatureManager design tree. . Select
- Editing equations that involve lightweight parts.
- Physical Dynamics.
- Exporting to other file types (IGES, SAT, and so on). You do not have to resolve parts before exporting to TIFF or JPEG.
- Prompt (default). A dialog box appears, asking if you want the software to resolve the lightweight parts for you. Click Yes to fully resolve the parts and continue, or click Cancel. If you also click Always resolve (before you click Yes or Cancel), the option is set to Always.
- Always. All lightweight parts are fully resolved for you, and they are included in the operation.
Rebuilding Component Patterns in Lightweight Mode
When you edit a feature, you can change the pattern parameters. For a component pattern that is driven by an unavailable entity, **Lightweight** shows as a prefix to the entity name. The SOLIDWORKS software rebuilds the pattern in lightweight mode by using the last-used definition.
Chain patterns | Circular | Curve Driven |
Linear | Pattern Driven | Sketch Driven |
This rebuild works for the following derived component patterns:
Advanced Hole Wizard | Advanced Pattern | Circular |
Curve | Hole Series | Hole Wizard |
Linear pattern | Sketch Pattern | Table Pattern |
Resolve Lightweight Components Dialog Box
The Resolve Lightweight Components dialog box appears when a lightweight component must be resolved to continue an operation.
For example, you open an assembly that contains a chain pattern in lightweight mode. When you edit the chain pattern, the Resolve Lightweight Components dialog box prompts you to resolve the listed components.
- Click Always resolve components in the dialog box.
- Click Assembly loading, select Manually manage resolved and lightweight modes. For Resolve lightweight components, select Always. . Under