Area Hatch/Fill PropertyManager - Edit

Specify the following properties when you edit an area hatch or fill pattern in a drawing.

To open the Area Hatch/Fill PropertyManager:

In the graphics area, click the area hatch or fill.


Hatch Applies a hatch pattern to the region. When selected, you can set the Hatch Pattern, Hatch Pattern Scale scale_entities.png, and Hatch Pattern Angle PM_angle.gif.
Solid Applies a black fill to the region.
To change the fill color, select the fill in the graphics area and click Line Color Tool_Line_Color_Line_Format.gif (Line Format toolbar). You cannot change the color of an area hatch in a section view.
None Removes the area hatch or fill from the region.
Material crosshatch (available for section views and aligned section views) Uses the pattern, scale, and angle for the material specified in the part document.
Apply to (available for section views and aligned section views) Select one of the following:


Applies the area hatch or fill to the currently selected component only.


Applies the area hatch or fill to the currently selected surface only.


Applies the area hatch or fill to all instances in the currently active section view.


Applies the area hatch or fill to selected bodies.

Layer PM_Layer.gif

Applies the area hatch or fill to the specified drawing layer.


Apply changes immediately Updates the drawing view immediately with your changes in the PropertyManager.
Apply (available when Apply changes immediately is cleared) Updates the drawing view when you want to improve performance time.