Viewing Financial Impact


To view the material financial impact of a single part:

  1. Open a part and do one of the following:.
    • If you are using SOLIDWORKS Pro, click Tools > SOLIDWORKS Applications > Sustainability.
    • If you are using SOLIDWORKS Premium or Standard and do not have full Sustainability installed, click Tools > Xpress Products > Sustainability.
  2. In the Material section of the Sustainability task pane, select the Class and Name of a material.
  3. Click Set Material.
  4. Expand the Environmental Impact dashboard.
    The material financial impact is shown near the bottom of the dashboard.


    If this is the first time you have selected a material for the part, there is no previous financial impact to compare to. Only the current financial impact can be shown.

  5. In the Material section, choose a different material for the part and click Set Material.
    Since there are values to compare, SOLIDWORKS Sustainability shows the percentage decrease or increase in cost.



  6. To see the actual costs, mouse over the bars that show the financial impact change.