Setting Element Specifications for Advanced Holes

To set element specifications:

  1. In the Near Side flyout, select the top element to activate it. You want to keep Counterbore as the hole type but modify some settings.
  2. Under Element Specification:
    1. In Type, select Socket Head Cap Screw.
    2. In Size, select 1/4.
      The temporary preview of the Near Side element is updated.

  3. In the flyout, click for the second Near Side element, then click Straight .
    You want to modify the specifications for this element.
  4. Under Element Specification:
    1. In Type, select Screw Clearances.
    2. In Size, select 1/4.
    3. For Custom sizing, set End Condition to Blind and Depth to 1.
      The preview updates to show the modified size and depth for the Straight element.

      In the flyouts, you can drag elements to reposition them. If the drag operation causes a failed element, that element is highlighted. Hover over the element to display an error message.

      The Far Side element is set as Counterbore. You want to modify it to be a tapped thread element.

  5. In the Far Side flyout, click for the Far Side element, then click Thread .
  6. Under Element Specification:
    1. In Type, select Tapped hole.
    2. In Size, select 1/4-20.
      The Far Side element updates up to the middle Near Side element because of the Up to Next Element end condition.

      You can save advanced hole features as Favorites to reuse them. In the PropertyManager, on the Type tab, under Favorite, you can add, update, delete, save, or load a favorite advanced hole.

      Next you create and position instances.