Creating Slots from the Hole Wizard

You can create counterbored, countersunk, and straight slots from the Hole Wizard.

To create a Hole Wizard slot for a part:

  1. Select a face and click Hole Wizard (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Hole > Wizard.
  2. In the PropertyManager, on the Type tab, for Hole Type, select a slot type:
    Option Description
    Counterbore Slot
    Countersink Slot
    Straight Slot
  3. Under Hole Specifications:
    1. For Slot length , enter a value.
    2. For Dimension scheme, select Slot Length from Arc Center to Arc Center or Slot Length from Arc Tangent to Arc Tangent .
    On the Positions tab, when you position the slot, you can press the Tab key to rotate the slot 90°.
  4. Select other options and click .
You can also create Hole Wizard or hole series slots in assemblies.