Creating Sketches for Miter Flanges

The sketch for a miter flange must adhere to the following:
  • The sketch can contain only lines or arcs.
  • The miter flange profile can contain more than one continuous line. For example, it can be an L-shaped profile.
  • The sketch plane must be normal to the first edge where the miter flange is created.

To create a sketch for a miter flange feature:

  1. Select the first edge in the series of edges where you want to create a miter flange feature. Make sure to click the edge near the endpoint at the start of the series of edges.
  2. Click Line Tool_Line_Sketch.gif on the Sketch toolbar, or click Tools > Sketch Entities > Line .
    A sketch opens normal to the selected edge. The origin of the sketch is at the endpoint of the edge that is closest to where you clicked in step 1.
  3. Sketch the profile of the miter flange. Make sure that one line starts at the endpoint of the edge where the sketch origin is located.