This div should have dynamic-style1 styles applied.
This div should have dynamic-style2 styles applied.
Changing or Removing Fillets
To automatically change or remove fillets using the FilletXpert Change tab:
In the FilletXpert PropertyManager, click the Change tab.
Inspect the fillet to change. Hover over the fillet in the FeatureManager design tree and note that it is applied to multiple edges. In this example, you want to change the lower edge only.
In the graphics area, select the lower filleted edge.
Set the Radius to 1.0, then click Resize.
The FilletXpert resizes only the selected edge by creating a new fillet for it.
Hover over another fillet in the FeatureManager design tree that is applied to multiple edges. You want to remove the fillet from the circular edge only.
Select the circular filleted edge.
Click Remove.
The FilletXpert removes the fillet from the circular edge only.