Viewing Compare Results
At the end of the document comparison, the two parts are shown in tiled windows. The results are shown in the Compare Task Pane . If you compare multiple items, select the tabs to toggle between results . Set the Compare options in the Compare Options dialog box.
Compare Documents Results Tab
Only parameters with different values are displayed in the Compare Documents Results tab.Compare Features Results Tab
Results are shown in two trees, one for the reference part and one for the modified part. The trees list the unique, modified, and uncompared features. Click any item in the tree to highlight the corresponding feature in the graphics area and see its parameters in the details box below the trees.Uncompared features can be thicken, cavity, deform, combine, join, split, move/copy, or delete body features, which are not supported by the Compare Features utility.
Select Keep colors on close to save the colors of modified and unique faces. If this option is cleared, the original part colors appear when you close the Compare Task Pane.
Compare Geometry Results Tab
Click to highlight the corresponding faces or volumes in the graphics area.
Volume comparison |
Material removed is material removed from the reference part (or assembly). Material added is material added to the reference part (or assembly). |
Results are shown in a Volume Comparison of <Reference Document> and <Modified Document>.SLDPRT document. To keep this document, select Keep bodies on close in the Task Pane. Choose whether you want to save the comparison volume bodies with the reference document, with the modified document, or with both. When you close the Compare Task Pane, the document remains open so you can save it. |
Face comparison |
The colored boxes display the number of faces that are unchanged, unique, or modified. Unique faces are completely different from each other. They are seen in one part but not in the other. Modified faces are overlapping faces where the intersection area of the two faces is more than 50% of the area of the smaller face. |
Select Keep colors on close to save the colors of modified and unique faces. If this option is cleared, the original part colors appear when you close the Compare Task Pane. |
Compare BOM Results Tab
The utility compares the header text, column by column, in both BOM tables. If the header text does not match, the column appears as a missing or extra column in the results. The utility then compares the two BOM tables row by row, using the item numbers in both BOM tables. The results are displayed in a tree that shows these items:Missing Columns or Missing Rows | Columns or rows that are in the reference document but not in the modified document.
You must include the Part Number column in both BOMs to display missing or extra rows.
Extra Columns or Extra Rows | Columns or rows that are not in the reference document but are in the modified document. | |
Failed Rows | Uses the column selected in Criteria for failed rows as the basis of comparison. Failed rows have identical data in both BOM tables for the selected column, but non-identical data in the other columns. |
1 | 101 | aaa | 1 |
2 | 102 | bbb | 2 |
3 | 103 | ccc | 1 |
1 | 101 | GGG | 1 |
2 | 102 | bbb | 2 |
3 | 103 | HHH | 2 |
Comparison Results. In the Task Pane, in the BOM Compare tree, select Failed Rows to display the details shown below.
PART NUMBER | Column Name | BOM 1 Value | BOM 2 Value |
101 | DESCRIPTION | aaa | GGG |
103 | DESCRIPTION | ccc | HHH |
103 | QTY. | 1 | 2 |
View Synchronization
The views in the graphics areas of the two parts are synchronized. When you change the view of one part, the view of the other part updates.View synchronization is active when the Compare Task Pane is present. There is no explicit control to enable or disable view synchronization.