Updating Models for 3DEXPERIENCE Compatibility

You can update models for compatibility with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. For models that reference other components, you can choose to include those references in the update.

To update the models, right-click the top item in the FeatureManager design tree and click Update for 3DEXPERIENCE Compatibility.

You cannot undo the update.

Update for 3DEXPERIENCE Compatibility is available when documents are not compatible and when the system option Update SOLIDWORKS files for compatibility with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform is cleared.

To clear Update SOLIDWORKS files for compatibility with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, click Tools > Options > 3DEXPERIENCE Integration.

The following changes happen when you update the model:
  • Custom properties and configurations align with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • In the ConfigurationManager: CAD Family tab, assemblies and parts appear as CAD family objects. Configurations appear as physical products and representations .
  • The Configuration Properties and Properties Summary tabs in the Properties dialog box manage custom and configuration-specific properties.
  • For SOLIDWORKS models that have multiple display states, the active display state is assigned to the physical product. When you insert a component into an assembly, the component uses the display state assigned to the physical product.
  • 3D Interconnect references for assemblies are dissolved and corresponding SOLIDWORKS assembly and part files are created for each component reference. The SOLIDWORKS part files contain the 3D Interconnect feature link to the neutral CAD part file.

After the update, Update for 3DEXPERIENCE Compatibility is no longer available for the model.

Configurations Assigned as Physical Products or Representations

When you update a model that has several configurations with the same part number, SOLIDWORKS updates only one of the configurations to a physical product. The other configurations become representations.

SOLIDWORKS determines which configuration is the physical product based on the configuration name and the option selected for Part number displayed when used in a bill of materials in the Configuration Properties PropertyManager.
  • SOLIDWORKS selects the configuration to use for the physical product using the following criteria:
    • When a Default configuration exists, the Default configuration becomes the physical product.
    • When a configuration uses Configuration Name for the part number, the configuration becomes the physical product.
    • When configurations have the same part number, SOLIDWORKS selects a configuration based on the Part number displayed when used in a bill of materials option in the Configuration Properties PropertyManager. The order of selection is:
      1. Configuration Name
      2. User Specified Name
      3. Document Name
    • If a configuration does not match the above criteria, the first configuration created in the ConfigurationManager tab becomes the physical product.