Search Criteria for Advanced Component Selection

Category1 Category2 Condition Value
Part mass - SW Special  
  • =
  • not =
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
Type a numeric value (in model units), or select a component in the graphics area or FeatureManager design tree.
Part volume - SW Special  
  • =
  • not =
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
Type a numeric value (in model units), or select a component in the graphics area or FeatureManager design tree.
Envelope Select - SW Special  
  • is inside
  • is crossing
  • is outside
Select from the list of envelopes in the current model.
Part is interior detail - SW Special
SOLIDWORKS checks visibility from six orthogonal directions (top-down, bottom-up, front-back, back-front, right and left). If a component is visible in any of these directions, it is not internal.
  • is yes
  • is no
- - -
Configuration name - SW Special  
  • is (exactly)
  • is not
  • contains
Type a configuration name.
Document name - SW Special  
  • is (exactly)
  • is not
  • contains
Type a document name.
Custom Property
  • Description
  • Part Number
  • etc.
  • (Selections include all properties listed in the default list under File > Properties, on the Custom or Configuration Specific tabs.)
  • Custom property names added by you do not appear on the list, but you can enter them in Category2.
  • =
  • not =
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
  • is (exactly)
  • is not
  • contains
  • is yes
  • is no
Enter a value.
Component Status  
  • =
  • not =
  • Resolved
  • Lightweight
  • Suppressed
  • Needs Rebuild
  • Has Errors
  • Has Warnings
  • Has Failed Mates
  • Has Mates - Under Defined
  • Has Mates - Fully Defined
  • Has Mates - Over Defined
  • Fixed
  • Flexible
  • Envelope
  • Excluded from BOM
In Context Relations
  • Has broken external reference
  • Has locked external reference
  • is yes
  • is no
- - -
  • Driven by incontext relations to
  • Has driving incontext relations
  • Has mate to part
  • =
Select a component in the graphics area or FeatureManager design tree.
  • =
  • not =
  • Wireframe
  • HLV
  • HLR
  • Shaded
  • Shaded W/ Edges
  • Default Display
  • Hide
  • Show
  • Transparent
File Status
  • Read Only
  • Write Access
  • is yes
  • is no
- - -
  • User With Write Access
  • =
Enter a list of users.
  • Needs Save
  • Out of Date
  • is yes
  • is no
- - -
File Type  
  • =
  • not =
  • ToolBox Part
  • Fastener
  • Sheet Metal Part
  • Weldment
  • Weld Bead
  • Imported Geometry
  • Mold Part