Limitations for Tools in Edit Assembly Mode

Some tools are limited when you edit an assembly that is in Large Design Review mode.

Insert Component

Insert Component adds components as graphics-only in the top-level assembly.

The Make virtual and Envelope options are not available.

For a top-level assembly that has multiple configurations, Suppress new components in the Configuration Properties PropertyManager controls the suppression state of the inserted component.

You cannot add Toolbox components to the assembly.

You cannot insert multiple components at the same time.

You cannot insert components by using copy and paste, drag, or CTRL + drag.


You cannot change the configuration of the top-level assembly.

Component Patterns

You can create and edit linear and circular component patterns. You can edit pattern driven and sketch driven component patterns with limited functionality.

For a component pattern that is driven by an unavailable entity, **LargeDesignReview** shows as a prefix to the entity name. Some PropertyManager options are disabled.

Available functionality by component pattern:

  Linear and Circular Pattern Driven and Sketch Driven Curve Driven and Chain
Edit Definition    
Patterned Components  
Instances to Skip  


You can delete only top-level components.

Suppress Components

Available for graphics-only components in the top-level assembly. Components are suppressed only in the active configuration.

Save and Save As

Use Save to save an edited assembly in Large Design Review mode. You cannot use Save As.

Move with Triad

Move with Triad is available when you right-click a component and click to expand the shortcut menu.