Envelope Publisher PropertyManager

To open the Envelope Publisher PropertyManager:

In an assembly that contains a subassembly, click Tools > Envelope Publisher .

If Envelope Publisher is not available, check the External References system options:
  1. Click Tools > Options > System Options > External References.
  2. Under Assemblies, select:
    • Allow creation of references external to the model
    • Any component for Reference component type
    • Top level assembly for In the context of

Add a Group / Edit Group

  Add or Edit Envelope Group Lists the group name.
Components to use as envelopes Specifies the components to include in the envelope.

Flexible subassemblies cannot be envelope components.

Destination subassemblies Specifies the subassemblies to publish the envelopes.

The published envelope creates external references to the parent assembly.

You cannot select the following subassemblies as a destination:
  • Subassemblies that are a destination for a different envelope group.

    For assemblies that contain multiple instances of a subassembly, you can use only one of the instances as a destination subassembly.

  • Subassemblies that are a component in an envelope.
  Add group Adds the envelope group.
  Reset Resets the PropertyManager fields.
  Done Saves changes to the envelope group.

Envelope Groups

Envelope Groups Lists envelope groups.