Distance Chain Parameters

Chain Path

  Path Specifies the path for the chain pattern. Select a 2D sketch, 3D sketch, or model edge.
If you edit the path length after you create the chain component pattern, the components might overlap or might not fill the path. To fix this problem, rebuild the feature.
Reverse Direction Reverses the direction of the chain pattern.
  SelectionManager Opens the SelectionManager, which helps you select entities.
  Fill Path Automatically specifies the number of pattern instances to fill the path.
Number of Instances Defines the number of pattern instances.
  Face normal alignment Select a plane to which the patterned instances are aligned. The entity selected as the Path Alignment Plane aligns with the Face normal alignment selection for each instance of the patterned component.

This selection field shows only when the normal direction for the path cannot be automatically derived. For example, when the path is a 3D Sketch or a selection of edges that are not coplanar.

Chain Group 1

Component to Pattern Specifies the component to pattern.
  Spacing Method

Distance along path

Spaces pattern instances at the specified distance as measured along a path.

Linear distance

Spaces pattern instances at the specified distance as measured as a linear distance.

Spacing Defines the spacing between pattern instances.
  Equal Spacing Specifies equal spacing between each pattern instance.
Path Link Specifies the entity to pattern. Select a cylindrical face, circular edge, linear edge, sketch point, vertex, or reference axis.
  Path Alignment Plane Specifies the position of the patterned component relative to the path. Select a component plane or planar face.
Reverse Direction Reverses the direction of the location plane.
  Alignment Method

Tangent to curve

Specifies the pattern instances to be tangent to the chain path.

Align to seed

Specifies the pattern instances to repeat the orientation of the seed component.


Dynamic Calculates the mates between each pattern instance. You can drag any instance to move the chain.

Dynamic chains with many pattern instances take a long time to generate, rebuild, and drag.

Static Copies each pattern instance without creating mates. This improves performance in large assemblies or chains with many pattern instances.

You can move the chain only by dragging the seed component. You cannot mate pattern instances to other components.

Use static chains in large assemblies or for chains with a large number of pattern instances.
Synchronize configuration of patterned components to seed Blocks changes to the configuration of patterned instances for all configurations.

Selecting this option may change some patterned component instances to match the configuration of the seed component.