Custom Properties in Configurations

The column header in a design table to specify a custom property uses this syntax:


where property is the name of a custom property. You can use one of the custom properties listed in the Properties dialog box (click File > Properties), or you can add a new custom property.

The column header is not case-sensitive.

If you plan to use the custom property as a column in a Bill of Materials:
  • For Excel-based BOMs, do not include any spaces in the Property Name.
  • For table-based BOMs, spaces in the Property Name are acceptable.

For example, use the header $prp@Cost to control the custom property Cost for each configuration. In the table body cells, enter the property value for each configuration. If a cell is blank, the property is undefined for the configuration.

Properties that are associated with model parameters (dimensions and mass properties) update automatically when the model parameters change.

Custom properties added in a design table appear automatically on the Configuration Properties tab of the Properties dialog box. You can use these properties in Notes and Bills of Materials.

Example of a design table that specifies custom properties:

Adding Custom Properties in Design Tables

To add a custom property to a design table:

  1. Insert a design table into your model.
  2. In the design table spreadsheet:
    1. For each column with a custom property, label the column in the form $prp@property; for example, $prp@length.
    2. In each column, type in the variable name of the property in the form "name@@configuration@model"; for example, "D2@Sketch1@@Default@box.SLDPRT".
      Include the quotation marks and be sure the file name extension (.SLDPRT) is uppercase.

      To include the quotation marks, type a single quote mark (') before the expression. For example, type '"D2@Sketch1@@Default@box.SLDPRT" for the expression "D2@Sketch1@@Default@box.SLDPRT" to appear in the table.

    3. In new columns, add the standard design table information, for example, D2@Sketch1 as the header, and dimension values in the column.
  3. Click outside the design table to close it.
    Example of a design table that specifies custom properties: