Pattern Tables

With variable patterns, a table stores the dimensions and their values.

In the table, you can:

  • Copy and paste data from a spreadsheet or tab-separated source into the pattern table and vice versa. The paste operation excludes units when pasting into a spreadsheet, and adds units when pasting from a spreadsheet into a SOLIDWORKS pattern table.
  • Use equations in table cells. The equations are solved when written and are not available for editing or reference.
Functions Available for Pattern Table Equations
+ Add
- Subtract
/ Divide
* Multiply
ABS(X) Absolute value of X
COS(X) Cosine of X
EXP(X) e raised to the X power
INT(X) Integer portion of X
LOG(X) Log base 10 of X
PI Value of pi
SIN(X) Sine of X
SQRT(X) Positive square root of X
TAN(X) Tangent of X

Creating and Editing Pattern Tables

You cannot edit seed features in pattern tables, but you can select seed feature cells for copy or auto-fill operations.

Supported operations when creating or editing a pattern table:

Add pattern instances Enter a value for Number of instances to add and click Add instances .
Add a dimension to vary Select the dimension in the graphics area. If the dimension does not appear in the graphics area, ensure that the parent geometry is selected for Reference geometry to drive seeds in the PropertyManager.
Delete a column or row Right-click the column or row header and click Delete .
Move a column Click the column header and drag to the desired location. You cannot separate dimensions that are children of the same parent sketch or feature.
Copy a value to additional table cells
  1. Select the cell with the desired value.

  2. Pause the pointer over the white circle until the pointer changes to . Drag to expand the selection to additional column cells.
Auto-fill an arithmetic pattern
  1. Select two or more cells that follow the pattern you want to propagate.
  2. Pause the pointer over the white circle until the pointer changes to .

    Drag to expand the selection to additional column cells.

    The arithmetic pattern propogates to the selected cells.

Auto-fill a repeating pattern
  1. Select two or more cells that follow the pattern you want to propagate.
  2. Pause the pointer over the white circle until the pointer changes to .

    Ctrl+drag to expand the selection to additional column cells.

    The repeating pattern propogates to the selected cells.

Preview the pattern Click Update Preview. The software calculates each pattern instance. More instances increases the calculation time.
Skip a pattern instance Select Instances to Skip.

Instance dimensions controlled by an equation are read-only in the pattern table for variable patterns because you cannot modify original equations by changing values in a pattern table.

Icons indicate which cells contain values that are equation-driven, link-driven, or linked equation-driven. Tooltips display the equations.

If you delete rows of data that include values that are controlled by an equation, or if you copy or cut and paste those rows, a message warns that you might need to fix missing references in the equation. If you try to paste data into cells whose values are controlled by an equation, a message informs you that those values are read-only.

Support for Zero and Negative Values

You can enter zero and negative values for many types of dimensions in the Pattern Table dialog box and from the graphics area. Zeroes and negative values are accepted for dimensions that allow them when editing the feature or dimension.

Entering a negative dimension for a feature dimension, such as a blind depth or revolve angle, causes the instance to reverse direction. The effect is equivalent to using Reverse button in the feature’s PropertyManager.

Importing and Exporting Data from Microsoft Excel

You can import and export data into variable patterns from Microsoft Excel .xls, .xlsx, and .xlsm file types. Microsoft Excel overwrites any existing data.

If the Microsoft Excel file contains driving dimensions, you no longer have to select the driving dimensions from the graphics area.

To import or export data, with the pattern table open, click Import from Excel or Export from Excel.

You can also import data from a specific sheet in the Excel file. With the pattern table open, click Import from Excel and select the Excel file to import. Then click the Sheet: drop-down list, and select the sheet.