End Condition Extrude

When you extrude a profile, you need to select a Type from the Extrude PropertyManager.

Function Description Isometric View Top View
Blind Extends the feature from the sketch plane for a specified distance.
Through All Extends the feature from the sketch plane through all existing geometry.
Through All - Both Extends the feature from the sketch plane through all existing geometry for Direction 1 and Direction 2.
Up To Next Extends the feature from the sketch plane to the next surface that intercepts the entire profile. (The intercepting surface must be on the same part.)
Up To Vertex Extends the feature from the sketch plane to a plane that is parallel to the sketch plane and passing through the specified vertex.

Sketch vertices are valid selections for Up To Vertex extrusions.

Up To Surface Extends the feature from the sketch plane to the selected surface.
Offset From Surface Extends the feature from the sketch plane to a specified distance from the selected surface.
Up to Body Extends the feature up to the selected body.
Mid Plane Extends the feature from the sketch plane equally in both directions.