Subassemblies Contents Working with Subassemblies When an assembly is a component of another assembly, it is referred to as a subassembly. You can nest subassemblies in multiple levels, to reflect the hierarchy of your design. Opening a Subassembly in a Separate Window You can open a subassembly in its own window from the FeatureManager design tree or from the graphics area. Forming a New Assembly from Existing Components You can form a subassembly from components (individual parts or subassemblies) that are already in the assembly, which move the components down one level in the assembly hierarchy. Dissolving Subassemblies You can dissolve subassemblies into individual components, thereby moving the components up one level in the assembly hierarchy. Deleting Subassemblies and Components of Subassemblies When you delete a component from a subassembly, you can delete the component only, or the entire subassembly. Editing Focus Colors When Editing a Component Editing Assembly Structure In the Assembly Structure Editing dialog box, you can move components from one level to another to reorganize the assembly hierarchy. Effects of Assembly Structure Editing Flexible Subassemblies You can make subassemblies flexible. This flexibility allows movement of the individual components of a subassembly within the parent assembly. Parent topicAssemblies