Displaying Annotation Notes in Uppercase

The All uppercase option displays note text and custom property values in uppercase letters in drawings, regardless of the case in the note edit field.

You can set the option for individual annotation notes and balloons in the Text Format section of the Note PropertyManager.

You can also change the default behavior for the current document by displaying the Options dialog box and selecting All uppercase on the Drafting Standards page of the Document Properties tab.

Controlling Case for Individual Notes and Balloons

Use the Note PropertyManager to control how the case is displayed for individual notes and balloons in drawings, models, and assemblies.

To set the text of a note to display in uppercase:
  1. Click Insert > Annotation > Note.
  2. Expand Text Format and click All uppercase.

    All alphabetic text in the document is shown in uppercase.

    The text appears in uppercase but the actual text value is not converted. If you edit the text value in the Edit in Window dialog box or the Custom page of the Properties dialog box, the text appears as you originally entered it.
To set a balloon containing text to display in uppercase:
  1. Double-click the balloon text.
  2. In the Note PropertyManager, expand Text Format and click All uppercase.
To toggle the All uppercase setting on or off: Select a note or balloon and click Shift + F3.

Setting the Default Case for a Document

Use the Document Properties page of the Options dialog box to set the default case to use in notes and balloons in the current document.

  1. Click Options Tool_Options_Standard.gif (Standard toolbar) or Tools > Options.
  2. On the Drafting Standard page of the Document Properties tab, under Uppercase, click All uppercase.
  3. To specify strings that should not be automatically capitalized, enter them in the Exclusion list field, separated by semi-colons (;).
  4. Click OK.