
DimXpert speeds the process of adding reference dimensions by applying dimensions in drawings so that manufacturing features, such as patterns, slots, and pockets, are fully-defined.

The DimXpert tool is accessible in the Dimension PropertyManager. You select a feature’s edge to dimension, then DimXpert applies all associated dimensions in that drawing view for the feature.

DimXpert differs from Autodimension because DimXpert:
  • Recognizes patterns (linear and polar dimensions with instance counts) and countersink holes.
  • Produces predictable results. For example, when you select an edge in DimXpert, only the feature represented by the edge is dimensioned. With autodimensioning, you may get unwanted dimensions to several features.
When using DimXpert to dimension hole patterns, you may get a message that the hole callout will not parametrically update if underlying features change. If the hole pattern was not created as a pattern of Hole Wizard holes, any changes you make to the model do not update the hole callout.

Applying Dimensions Using DimXpert

To apply dimensions using DimXpert:

  1. In a drawing, click Smart Dimension Tool_Smart_Dimensions_Relations.gif or Tools > Dimensions > Smart.
  2. In the PropertyManager, under Dimension Assist Tools, click DimXpert .
  3. Set options in the Dimension PropertyManager.
  4. In the PropertyManager, if you selected:
    • By vertex/hole center, select a vertex in the drawing view.
    • By Selection, select an edge for the X and Y values.
    You can also drag the datum origin datum_origin.gif to a vertex, hole center, or virtual sharp created by the edges you chose in By Selection.
    Vertex and manufacturing feature (hole pattern hole)
  5. In the graphics area, select a manufacturing feature to dimension.
  6. Repeat step 5 for other manufacturing features as necessary.
  7. Click PM_OK.gif.
    Both hole patterns and the center hole are dimensioned