DimXpert Display Options

These options define several default dimensioning styles and define how duplicate dimensions and instance counts are managed.

Slot dimensions

These options define whether the length and width dimensions applied to slots are combined as a callout or are placed separately.



Gtol linear dimension attachment

These options define whether the geometric tolerance feature control frames are combined with the size limits or placed separately.


ANSI example


ISO example

Dimension Extension Lines

You can use dimension extension lines to connect dimensions to the model.

Hole callouts

These options define whether hole callouts are displayed as combined or separate dimensions.


ANSI example


ISO example

Datum gtol attachment


Attached to feature control frame

ANSI example

Attached to surface and dimension

ISO example

Linear Dimension

Attached to feature control frame

Attached to surface and dimension

Redundant dimensions and tolerances

These options define how redundant dimensions and tolerances are displayed when you use the Auto Dimension Scheme tool. You can also manually combine and break duplicates.

Redundant dimensions

Combined dimensions

For basic dimensions, the options apply to dimensions created by the Auto Dimension Scheme , Geometric Tolerance , and Recreate basic dims commands.
Eliminate duplicates Specifies if dimensions are individually stated or combined into a group. Select this option to automatically combine these entities:
  • Location dimensions
  • Plus/Minus size dimensions
  • Size dimensions with geometric tolerances
  • Geometric tolerances
Eliminate duplicates selected. The 10 basic and 20 location dimensions are combined as dimension groups.
Eliminate duplicates cleared. Individual dimensions are used on the 10 basic and 20 location dimensions.
Show instance count Defines whether instance counts are displayed with grouped dimensions.
You must select Eliminate duplicates to enable this option.

Show instance count selected. Instance counts are applied to the 10 and 20 dimensions.

Show instance count cleared. Instance counts omitted.