Paragraph Properties

Allows you to format notes, including paragraph indentation, paragraph and line spacing, bullets, and numbering.

To edit paragraph properties:

  1. Activate a note and select the text to be formatted.
  2. Click Paragraph Properties (Formatting pop-up toolbar).
  3. Select the options listed below, then click OK.


First line indent

When the selected paragraph begins with a bullet or number, First line indent sets the indent of the bullet or number.

5 unit indent on bullets


When the selected paragraph does not begin with a bullet or number, and Wordwrapping is selected, First line indent sets the indent of the first row of text.

5 unit indent on first line of each paragraph with wordwrapping


When the selected paragraph does not begin with a bullet or number, and Wordwrapping is cleared, First line indent sets the indent of the paragraph.

5 unit indent on first line of each paragraph without wordwrapping

Indent Sets the indentation of the bullets or numbers. Enter a value or click or to increment the value.
Indent increment Sets the increment value for the decrease and increase buttons.


Paragraph spacing Sets the spacing between adjacent paragraphs.

.25 inches between paragraphs when all text is selected

Line spacing Sets the spacing between each line within the selected paragraphs.

.25 inches between lines when all text is selected

Bullets and Numbering

Bullets Applies bullet formatting to selected text.
Numbering Applies number formatting to selected text. Select Start numbering at top or Start numbering at bottom.
Start numbering at top Start numbering at bottom
Start at Sets the starting number in the list. This is only available when Numbering is selected.
Type Sets the numbering structure (1,2,3, A,B,C, etc.). This is only available when Numbering is selected.
Format Sets the formatting style for numbering (1, 1., or (1)). This is only available when Numbering is selected.
Do not show period with borders Suppresses the period after the paragraph number when the note has a border.