Document Properties - Section View Labels

You can specify document-level drafting settings for section view labels.

To open this page:

With a drawing open, click Options (Standard toolbar), select the Document Properties tab, then select Views > Section.

Overall drafting standard

Overall drafting standard

Inherited from the selected Drafting Standard page settings.

Base section view standard

Base section view standard
Select a standard:
  • ANSI
  • ISO
  • DIN
  • JIS
  • BSI
  • GOST
  • GB

Line style

Specifies the section line style and thickness for the source view.

Standard with connector Displays a continuous section line in the source view.
Alternative without connector Displays a split section line in the source view.
Standard without connector Displays thick lines at the ends of the cutting line and at any change in direction within the cutting line.

Section arrow text


Modifies the font.

Label options

Per standard
Select to adhere to the base standard. Clear to modify view label parameters:

Name Select a title to appear in the view label, or enter your own title. Font Specifies the font for the title in the view label.
Label Specifies the appearance of the letter that corresponds to the label on the parent view. Font Specifies the font for the label in the view label.
Rotation Specifies the appearance of the view's rotation angle. Font Specifies the font for the rotation angle in the view label.
Scale Select a label for the scale, or enter your own label. Font Specifies the font for the scale in the view label.
Delimiter Specifies the scale display option:
  • To display the scale with two numbers separated by a delimiter, select:
    • X:X
    • X/X
    • (X:X)
    • (X/X)
  • To display the scale as the ratio of two numbers followed by X, select # X.
  • To hide the scale, select <None> .
Font Specifies the font for the delimiter in the view label.
Remove space in scale around colon (:) and slash (/) Select to remove space in the scale label.    
Stacked Displays the view label with the name and label stacked on top of the scale.    
In-line Displays the name and label on the same line.  
Display label above view Displays the label above the view.
Include location labels for new views Select to automatically add a location label to the section view and the cutting line.
Include view label on new removed sections Adds a view label to each new Removed Section view that you create.




Select a layer.
You must first create layers for the drawing before you can select them for document properties.

View label document layer settings override view label Line style settings.

Section/view size

Scale with section view arrow letter height Specifies the arrow head size for section views to scale automatically to the section view letter height, if the section view arrows do not follow the section arrow text font.

Clear to modify arrow dimensions.

Style Specifies an arrow type for section views.

You can specify the arrow type for section views independent of the arrow type for dimensions.

Half section

Standard with connector

Displays both arrows.
Alternative without connector

Displays one arrow.

General display

Hide section view cutting line shoulders. Selected (shoulders hidden)

Cleared (shoulders displayed)