Document Properties - Hole Callouts

You can specify document-level drafting settings for hole callouts. Available for all document types.

To open this page:

With a drawing open, click Options (Standard toolbar), select Document Properties, and then select Dimensions > Hole Callout.

Overall drafting standard

Overall drafting standard Inherited from the selected Drafting Standard page settings.

Base callout standard

Base callout standard
Select a standard:
  • ANSI
  • ISO
  • DIN
  • JIS
  • BSI
  • GOST
  • GB

Leader/Dimension line style

Leader Style Select: a style.
Leader Thickness Select: a thickness or select Custom Size and enter a thickness.



Click to modify the font.

Horizontal text justification Left
Vertical text justification Top

Dual dimensions

Dual dimensions display Select to display dimensions in dual units.
Show units for dual display Select to display units for the second set of dimensions.
Dimension value position Top

Primary precision

Unit Precision Select the number of digits included after the decimal point for the value.
PM_Tol_Precision_DualDim.gif Tolerance Precision Select the number of digits included after the decimal point for the tolerance.

Dual precision

Unit Precision Select the number of digits after the decimal point from the list for the value in the secondary units.
PM_Tol_Precision_DualDim.gif Tolerance Precision Select the number of digits after the decimal point for the tolerance values for the secondary units.


Select a layer.
You must first create layers for the drawing before you can select them for document properties.

You must select Per Standard for Layer (Layer toolbar) in the drawing view document to apply these layer settings.

Text position

Solid Leader, Aligned Text
Broken Leader, Horizontal Text
Broken Leader, Aligned Text

Count delimiter

Use document standard

Uses the standard specified in Document Properties - Drafting Standard.

Use hole standard

Uses the hole standard specified in Hole Specification PropertyManager.


Display second outside arrow

Select to display two outside arrows.

Display with solid leader

For standards other than ANSI, displays a leader through the center, rather than to the circumference.


Click to set the tolerance.