Document Properties - Weldments

On a per-document basis, use the Document Properties - Weldments page to specify how the weldment software creates cut lists and configurations.

To open the Document Properties - Weldments page, click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Weldments.

Default Behavior

The first time you create a part document, the SOLIDWORKS software turns on the following Weldment document properties in the part template that is created:

  • Automatically create cut lists
  • Automatically update cut lists
  • Rename cut list folders with Description property value

If you continue to use this part template, these options are enabled for all new part documents.

To disable any of these options, clear the option, save the template, and use the saved template to create new parts.

If you create parts using pre-2015 templates, these options are turned off.

Automatically create cut lists Enables the Create Cut Lists Automatically setting on the cut list shortcut menu.

This setting automatically groups similar bodies together within one cut list folder.

Automatically update cut lists (may affect performance with many bodies) Enables the Update Automatically setting on the cut list shortcut menu.

This setting updates the model's custom properties and internal supporting data when you make geometry changes or edits to weldments.

Collect Identical Bodies Collects all bodies in a Cut-List-Item folder that are geometrically identical, but are generated by different features.
Create derived configurations Creates the derived configuration Default[As Welded] when you create a structural member in a part.
Assign configuration Description strings Only available when Create derived configurations is enabled.

Adds the As Welded and As Machined configuration descriptions when you insert a weldment feature into a new part.

Rename cut list folders with Description property value Enables the option to rename cut list folders with the Description property value.
  • When you create new parts in SOLIDWORKS 2015 or later:
    • With blank templates, the option is enabled.
    • With existing or saved templates that were created using SOLIDWORKS 2015, the option is read from those templates.
  • When you create new parts in an earlier version than SOLIDWORKS 2015:
    • The option is disabled and you must manually enable it.
    • With existing or saved templates that were created using an earlier version than SOLIDWORKS 2015, the option is disabled. Manually enable it for these files.
Use English Description property name in Weldment Cut list
  • Creates the Description property name in English when you run SOLIDWORKS in a foreign language environment.
  • Translates the Description property name only when the inherited Description property name is in English.
  • You can select this option only when the part does not have a weldment cut list.
  • Option Description Property Name
    Selected In an English language
    Cleared Translated to non-English language of SOLIDWORKS
  • If a part has a weldment cut list with the Description property name in English, the newly created cut list has the Description property name in English.
  • If the part has all weldment cut lists with the Description property names in non-English, the newly created cut list has the Description property name in non-English.
This option is not applicable if the weldment cut list has one Description property name in English and another in non-English. In this case, the property names remain unchanged.

Bounding Box Properties

You can customize the default description settings of bounding box properties for new or existing solid and sheet metal cut list bodies.

Solid Bodies Description Properties for solid bodies include:
  • Plate (Name)

    You can overwrite with another name for Plate in the field.

  • SW-Thickness
  • SW-Width
  • SW-Length

You can change the order of properties by clicking the list. If you select None for a value, the property is removed from the text expression.

Select Use default description to use the text expression as the default.

Sheet Metal Bodies Description Sheet metal bodies only include a Sheet (Name) property. You can overwrite and enter another name for Sheet in the field.

Select Use default description to use the text expression as the default.

Apply to Select to apply a description to New bounding boxes or to Existing and new bounding boxes.

Cut list IDs

You can generate cut list IDs or unique reference IDs for each cut list in a cut list folder based on the cut list attributes.

The cut list ID property acts as an index for identifying the cut list on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. The cut list ID property units (MKS) do not follow the document property units. Even if you change the document property units, the cut list ID property units remain the same.

Generate Cut list IDs Generates cut list IDs or unique reference IDs for each cut list.

Each generated cut list ID is added in the corresponding cut list folder. Unique reference IDs result in the unique naming convention of cut lists. The system uses the unique reference IDs to index the database.

Structure Cut list IDs, Sheet Metal Cut list IDs, Generic Cut list IDs Each type of cut list has a default ID. You can define different expression values based on the type of cut list.