Document Properties - Bend Tables

You can specify document-level drafting settings for bend tables. Available for drawings only.

To open this page:

With a drawing open, click Options (Standard toolbar), select the Document Properties tab, and then select Tables > Bend.

Overall drafting standard

Overall drafting standard Inherited from the selected Drafting Standard page settings.


Box Border Sets a line thickness for the outside border of the table.
Grid Border Sets a line thickness for the inner grid lines of the table.



Modifies the font.


These settings also control the precision for sheet metal bend line notes.

Angular Precision Sets the number of digits included after the decimal point for the angle.
Inner Radius Precision Sets the number of digits included after the decimal point for the inner radius.
Allowance Sets the number of digits included after the decimal point for the bend allowance.

Alpha/numerical control

Select letters or numbers for bend table tag sequencing.

A, B, C Defines the bend tag sequence as a letter.
1, 2, 3 Defines the bend tag sequence as a number.


Select a layer.
You must first create layers for the drawing before you can select them for document properties.

You must select Per Standard for Layer (Layer toolbar) in the drawing view document to apply these layer settings.


Leading zeroes
Standard Leading zeroes appear according to the overall drafting standard.
Show Zeroes before decimal points are shown.
Remove Leading zeroes do not appear.
Trailing zeroes
Remove only on zero Trailing zeroes are trimmed for whole metric values, conforming to ANSI and ISO standards.
Show Trailing zeroes are displayed according to the decimal places you specify for Units.
Remove Trailing zeroes do not appear.