Hole Table Cell Property Manager

Specify formatting for one or more cells in a Hole Table.

You can set table text format using the Table Cell toolbar.

To specify formatting for cells:

  1. Select one or more cells in a table. Hold down CTRL to select multiple cells.
  2. Specify the hole tolerance formatting and click PM_OK.gif.


The Tolerance/Precision functionality is available for hole tables only.

PM_tolerance_type_dim.gif Tolerance Type Select from the list (None, Basic, Bilateral, Fit, and so on).
PM_max_variation_dim.gif Maximum Variation Type in a value.
PM_min_variation_dim.gif Minimum Variation Type in a value.
dim_unit_prec.png Primary Unit Precision Select the number of digits after the decimal point from the list for the dimension value.
PM_dim_precision_tol.gif Tolerance Precision Select the number of digits after the decimal point for tolerance values.

Dual Dimension

This option is available when dual dimensions are displayed in the hole table.

dim_unit_prec.png Unit Precision Select the number of digits after the decimal point from the list for the dimension value of the second unit of measurement.
PM_dim_precision_tol.gif Tolerance Precision Select the number of digits after the decimal point for tolerance values of the second unit of measurement.