Punch Table PropertyManager

Specify properties for punch tables in drawings.

To open this PropertyManager:

In a flat pattern drawing view, click Punch Table tool_punch_table (Table toolbar) or Insert > Tables > Punch Table.

Table Template

Click Open table template for Punch Table PM_Table_Browse_Template.gif to choose a standard or custom template. This option is available only during table insertion. The punch table templates supplied with the software add columns to the default format. They are located at install_dir\lang\english. The standard template (punchtable-standard.sldpuntbt) creates Tag, X Location, Y-Location, Punch ID, Quantity, and Angle columns.

Table Position

The stationary corner controls the direction in which the table expands when adding new columns or rows.

Set Stationary corner to:
table_anchor_lt.png Button Top Left New columns extend to the right and new rows extend below the anchor point.
table_anchor_rt.png Button Top Right New columns extend to the left and new rows extend below the anchor point.
table_anchor_ll.png Button Bottom Left New columns extend to the right and new rows extend above the anchor point.
table_anchor_rl.png Button Bottom Right New columns extend to the left and new rows extend above the anchor point.

Attach to anchor point

Attaches the specified corner to the Table Anchors.

Alpha/Numerical Control

Select letters or numbers for punch table tag sequencing.

A, B, C Defines the punch tag sequence as a letter. Punch-Table-Letters.gif
1, 2, 3 Defines the punch tag sequence as a number. Punch-Table-Numbers.gif
Start at Sets the first tag.  


During insertion, Origin is ready for you to select a vertex. To define the origin with an X axis and Y axis, click X Axis Direction Reference and select a horizontal model edge in the graphics area, then click Y Axis Direction Reference and select a vertical model edge.

After the table has been created, you can drag the datum origin to another position, or you can edit the datum definition. The location values in the table update.


Select individual edges, faces, or features to include all of the punch features.


Combine same tags

Select to combine items with the same Punch IDs in one row.

Combine same types

Available only if Combine same tags is cleared. Merges cells for punch features with same Punch ID. The columns of location values remain.

Punch Location Precision

Specify the number of significant digits for the punch feature location values.


Use document settings

Uses the border options set in Document Properties > Tables > Punch.

Box Border Sets a line thickness for the outside border of the table.
Grid Border Sets a line thickness for the inner grid lines of the table.

Dual Dimensions

Select Dual Dimensions to display dimensions in dual units.

Show units

Select to display units.


layer.png Layer In drawings with named layers, select a layer.

Text Format

All uppercase Select to specify that all characters in the table are uppercase.