Split and Save Bodies PropertyManagers

Use the Split PropertyManager to divide parts into multiple bodies. You can use the Split PropertyManager to save the new bodies when you split the part or use the Save Bodies PropertyManager to save them after the split is complete.

Split PropertyManager

To use the Split PropertyManager to divide a part into multiple bodies:

  1. In a part, create a sketch to be used to cut the part into bodies.
  2. Click Split (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Split.
Trim Tools
Trimming Surfaces Select entities to use to trim the part into multiple bodies.
  • Reference planes (Planes extend infinitely in all directions.)
  • Planar model faces (Faces extend infinitely in all directions.)
Original Part Revised Original Part New Part
  • Sketches (Sketches extrude through all in both directions.)
Original Part Revised Original Part New Part
  • Reference surfaces and non-planar model faces (These do not extend their boundaries. Internal holes on reference surfaces or non-planar model faces are closed when splitting the part.)
Original Part New Parts
  Cut Part Cuts the part into multiple bodies using the Trimming Tools geometry. Split lines appear on the part, showing the different bodies formed by the split.

(Appears in single body parts)

Callout boxes appear in the graphics area for up to 10 bodies at one time. Click Next 10 or Previous 10 to scroll through all the callout boxes for a part.

Target Bodies

Available in multibody parts.
  All bodies Trims all bodies that the Trimming Surfaces intersect when extended infinitely in all directions.
  Selected bodies Trims only selected bodies.
Solids or Surfaces to Split Sets which solid or surface bodies to split.

To split a surface, select the surface in the graphics area or the Surface Bodies folder in the FeatureManager design tree.

  Cut Bodies Cuts the selected bodies into multiple bodies using the Trimming Tools geometry. Split lines appear on the bodies, showing the different bodies formed by the split.

Resulting Bodies

Lists the split bodies in the part after you click Cut Part or Cut Bodies.

Select All
The check boxes in this option control only the creation or noncreation of separate split bodies. They do not control if the split body is saved in the original file or as an external file.
Toggles the selection of all bodies to save. You can also select individual bodies to save. When you select a check box for a body and do not give the body a Title, the body is saved in the original file only.

To create split bodies as external files, select the body check boxes and under Title, manually enter the titles or click Auto-assign Titles.

Auto-assign Titles names the bodies as Body< n >.SLDPRT and saves them when you click in the PropertyManager.
  Title Controls the names of the split bodies. After you click Cut Bodies, the bodies appear under Resulting Bodies. Double-click the body name under Title, type a name for the new part in the dialog box, then click Save. The new *.SLDPRT part name appears under Title and in the callout.
The bodies that you do not give a Title remain with the original part.
You can also save bodies from a multibody part using the Save Bodies PropertyManager.
If you clear the check box for a split part after you save it, that part is no longer saved as a separate entity. It remains with the original part.
  Consume cut bodies Removes the body from the part. Consumed bodies are not listed in the FeatureManager design tree under Solid Bodies.
  Propagate visual properties Preserves the appearances that are applied to the bodies that are created when you save the part.
  Origin location Places the origin of the split body at the vertex you select.
  Copy custom properties to new parts Copies the custom properties of solid bodies to new parts you create.
  Copy cut list properties to new parts Copies the cut list properties of structural members to the bodies that are created when you split a weldment part.

File properties

Transfers the cut list properties to the file properties of the derived part.

Only available if Copy custom properties to new parts is cleared.

Cut list properties

Transfers the cutlist properties to the cut list properties of the new part.

Template Settings

Lets you override the default template from Tools > Options > System Options > File Locations.

Override default template settings Specifies to use an alternate template. The selected template is applied to all new part or assembly files you create during the current Split or Save Bodies operation.
Part template Lists the selected part template. Click Browse (...) to browse to a different template.

Save Bodies PropertyManager

To use the Save Bodies PropertyManager to save bodies as parts after a part has been split:

  • Click Insert > Features > Save Bodies.
Resulting Parts
Select All

Toggles the selection of all the parts to save. You can also select individual parts to save.

You can also click Auto-assign Titles to generate part names automatically.
  Title Assigns titles to bodies that are saved as external parts when you click in the PropertyManager. You can manually assign titles or click Auto-assign Titles.
  Consume cut bodies Removes the body from the part. Consumed bodies are not listed in the FeatureManager design tree under Solid Bodies.
  Propagate visual properties Preserves the appearances that were applied to the bodies that were created when you saved the part.
  Origin location Places the origin of the split body at the vertex you select.

Create Assembly

  Assembly path and name is displayed after you browse to a location for the assembly.
Browse Lets you specify the assembly path and name.
Derive resulting parts from similar bodies or cut list Identical bodies, for example weldment structural members, are saved as a single part.

The assembly is created with multiple instances of the part.

Bodies must have identical material properties to be instanced in this way.

Template Settings

Lets you override the default template from Tools > Options > System Options > File Locations.

Override default template settings Specifies to use an alternate template. The selected template is applied to all new part or assembly files you create during the current Split or Save Bodies operation.
Part template Lists the selected part template. Click Browse (...) to browse to a different template.
Assembly template Lists the selected assembly template. Click Browse (...) to browse to a different template.