Defeature - Defeature Complete

In parts and assemblies, you can save the less-detailed model in a separate part file or as a derived configuration of the fully detailed version. You can publish the fully detailed model to 3D ContentCentral and specify to remove details when customers download the model.

To open the Defeature Complete page of the Defeature PropertyManager:

  1. Click Defeature (Tools toolbar) or Tools > Defeature.
  2. For multibody parts and assemblies, select the Simplify Geometry method in the PropertyManager.
    For single-body parts, the PropertyManager opens to the To Keep page.
  3. Click Next until the Defeature Complete page appears.

The options that you select in the PropertyManager are saved in the original model. Defeature appears in the FeatureManager design tree. If you selected to save the model to a separate file, the Save As dialog box appears.


Select one of the following options to manage the results:

Save as a new document Saves the less-detailed part or assembly in a separate part file. The part has no references to the original part or assembly.

For the Silhouette method, a Group folder for each defeature group shows in the FeatureManager design tree. If you select Merge groups after this step when defining groups, the folder name is Merged. The folders contain a feature for each body generated by the simplification.

For the Simplify Geometry method, the part file has Defeatured1 features.

If you specified to allow motion in an assembly, the model is saved as an assembly. Each group that you defined on the Motion page is saved as a component in the less-detailed assembly.

Select Link to Original to link the defeatured model to the original model. You can link, unlock, or break the external reference by right-clicking the model and clicking External References. See Locking and Breaking External References.

Create a new configuration Saves the defeature as a configuration. Select Include top level reference geometry to add the reference geometry (Assemblies only).

To avoid dangling references that are attached to a component, do not change the component in the defeatured configuration to the parent configuration or change a component from the parent configuration to the defeatured configuration.

References that may dangle include attached annotations and dimensions.

Available when you select the Silhouette method.

Publish to 3D ContentCentral Publishes the fully detailed model containing the Defeature options to your Supplier Services account on 3D ContentCentral. In the Supplier Services Content Manager, under Features, specify excluded to remove details according to the Defeature options when customers configure and download the model.
Store settings for future use Saves the Defeature options in the fully detailed original model. For parts: If you select this option after you create a defeature entity, you can still save the derived defeature as a configuration. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click the Defeature entity and click Save Result as Configuration to save the derived defeature as a configuration.

In the FeatureManager design tree, you can right-click Defeature and click Edit Feature , Save Result, Save Result with Link, Upload to 3DCC, or Delete.