Print3D PropertyManager - Settings Tab

You can use the Settings tab of the Print3D PropertyManager to set options for a 3D printer.

To access the Print3D PropertyManager:

  • Click File > Print3D .


3D Printer Lists installed 3D printers.
  Width Specifies the print bed width.
  Depth Specifies the print bed depth.
  Height Specifies the print bed height

Print Bed Location

Bottom plane of model Specifies the selected planar face or reference plane.

When you select the bottom plane, a transparent box appears on the screen, representing the furthest extent of the print volume.

The model aligns to the bottom of the print volume and is positioned so that the center of the model's bounding box is in the center or the print bed.

A coordinate system appears at the center of the bottom of the print volume.

Use the control to the left of the field to reverse the direction of the coordinate system.

Model orientation
Print Bed Angle Specifies the orientation of the print bed relative to the model.

Use this option to rotate the model around the centerline of the model's bounding box normal to the bottom of the print bed.

Translation - Axis 1 Specifies the distance that the print bed moves in the Axis 1 direction.

Uses the unit system from the model. A value of 0 aligns the bounding box centerline with the center of the print bed.

Translation - Axis 2 Specifies the distance that the print bed moves in the Axis 2 direction.

Uses the unit system from the model. A value of 0 aligns the bounding box centerline with the center of the print bed.

  Orient to Fit Reorients the model to fit the print volume.


Scale Specifies the scale factor that controls the printed size of the model.

The default is 1, which is the size of the model in the software.

Maximum scale Specifies the maximum scale.
Scale to Fit Specifies the scale factor to the maximum allowable value.


Many of the available values within this group depend on the printer that you select.

Job quality Specifies the job quality for the print job.

The available options, which correspond to layer thickness, are:

  • Draft (default)
  • Medium
  • High

The interpretation of the option is printer-dependant.

If you change the setting, it persists the next time that you open the Print3D PropertyManager.

Infill percentage Specifies the infill percentage for the print job. When the percentage is 0, the print output is hollow.

Percentages available are:

  • Low - 10%
  • Medium - 40%
  • High - 70%
  • Solid - 100% (default)

If you change the setting, it persists the next time that you open the Print3D PropertyManager.

Include supports Adds supports for model faces that are in open space with no part of the model supporting the face.

This option is selected by default and resets to the default each time that you open the Print3D PropertyManager.

Include raft Builds the print output on top of a raft of disposable material that you can remove after printing.

This option is cleared by default.

Printer Properties Opens a dialog box provided by the 3D printer vendor with options that are specific to the printer.

Save to File

Format Specifies the selected file format. Options are:
  • STL (*.stl)

    This default format describes only the surface geometry of a 3D object as a raw, unstructured triangulated surface.

    When you specify export options, .stl files can be binary or ASCII.

  • 3D Manufacturing Format (*.3mf)

    Additive manufacturing-focused file format that you can use to send full-fidelity 3D models to other applications, platforms, services, and printers.

  • Additive Manufacturing Format (*.amf)

    XML-based format that is designed to support additive manufacturing processes such as 3D printing.

Save File Opens the Save As dialog box, where you can export the file to the selected format.

In the dialog box, click Options to set export options.

For .amf files, you can select export options that store the color and materials of the object to 3D print in the .amf file, plus the geometry of the model.

For .3mf files, you can select export options that store the materials, appearances, and geometry of the object to 3D print.