Component Properties Dialog Box

View or change the properties of a component.

To open this dialog box:

  • In an assembly document, select a component and select Component Properties .

General properties

Component Name Displays the component name. By default, the component name is the same as the component's file name.
Instance ID Displays the instance ID. The instance ID is 1 for the first instance of the component in the assembly. If the component is used more than one time, each occurrence is assigned a consecutive instance identification number.
Full Name Displays the combination of Component Name and Instance ID. You can copy the full name, and paste it into table cells when you create a design table.
Component Reference Stores a unique designator for each instance of a component. The value that you enter here appears in braces { } at the end of the component name string in the FeatureManager design tree.
Spool Reference Stores a unique designator for each instance of a spool. The value that you enter here appears in braces { } at the end of the spool name string in the FeatureManager design tree.
Component Description Displays the component description. This field is read-only. Specify the description in the Properties dialog box of the component.
Model Document Path Displays the path to the component document.

Display State specific properties

Hide Component Hides this instance of the component.
Referenced Display State Lists the component's available display states with the active display state in bold type. To switch to another display state for this instance of the component, select another display state from the list.
Change display properties in Specifies the assembly display states to change. Select an option:
  • This display state
  • All display states
  • Specify display state

Configuration specific properties

The available properties depend on the component type.

Referenced configuration Select a configuration from the list. If the selected component is an instance of a component pattern, select an option:

Use same configuration as pattern seed component

Selected by default when the component is an instance of a component pattern.

Use named configuration

Specify a configuration from the list that is different from the seed component.

Change properties in Specifies which configuration to change. Available only for assemblies that have more than one configuration. Select an option:
  • This configuration
  • All configurations
  • Specify configurations
Suppression state Controls the suppression state of the component.


Removes the component from the assembly without deleting it. It is not loaded into memory, and it is no longer a functional member of the assembly.


Loads the component in memory. The component is functional and accessible.


Loads only a subset of the component's model data.

Not available for subassemblies defined as Flexible.

Available when Manually manage resolved and lightweight modes is selected in system options. To select this option, click Tools > Options > System Options > Performance.

Solve as Available only for subassemblies. Defines the subassembly as:


Prevents movement of the subassembly's components relative to each other. The subassembly acts as a single unit.


Allows movement of the subassembly's components relative to each other. Components can move within their degrees of freedom according to their mates.

Flexible applies only to the active configuration.

Not available for lightweight subassemblies.

Save assembly as part Includes or excludes a component when saving an assembly as a part. Select an option:

Use system settings

Uses the System Options to include or exclude a component.

Always include

Includes a component in the resulting part when saving an assembly as a part.

This option overrides conditions that are defined in the System Options and the Save Assembly as Part PropertyManager.

Always exclude

Excludes a component in the resulting part when saving an assembly as a part.

Envelope Makes the component an envelope. Exclude from bill of materials becomes selected because envelopes are never included in the bill of materials.
Exclude from bill of materials Omits this component from the bill of materials (BOM). Applies only to table-based BOMs. This option is automatically selected when you select Envelope.